The Ten Commandments of Atheism. . .not one of these commandments contradicts or conflicts with Christian teaching. In fact, most of them are rooted in the Christian moral tradition.
Law prof denied tenure b/c his students whined about his Socratic Method of teaching. Those ninnies wouldn't last a week at U.D.
A list of organizations and individuals who have publicly supported the OWS movement: Communists, Nazis, Black Panthers, B.O., Nancy Pelosi, Hugo Chavez, Louis Farrakhan, ad. nau.
A list of organizations and individuals who have publicly supported the OWS movement: Communists, Nazis, Black Panthers, B.O., Nancy Pelosi, Hugo Chavez, Louis Farrakhan, ad. nau.
Nothing and No One is safe in the Occupiers Squatter Camps: deaf man raped.
Aight. . .two OWS links. . .now for a palette cleanser: Cute Pug Puppy!
Dissecting a WaPo story on the new English translation of the Missal. Lots to dissect.
Could a single Marine unit take down the Roman Empire? Can't wait for the movie! (Exit question: will there be any aliens?)
B.O. cuts funding to Catholic groups fighting human trafficking. No, B.O. doesn't support human trafficking. This is about moving the Church further out of the public square.
Catholic Zombies! Now they have gone too far. . .too far indeed.
Southerners are losing their manners. Say it ain't so! (NB. Southern manners can often mask contempt, but polite contempt is better than open hostility, right?)
Wow. Someone recruit this guy to run for U.S. President. I'd almost be willing to amend the Constitution if he'd run.
This reminds me of that movie where all the good-looking 20-something's cheat death in a plane crash and then get killed off one by one via bizarre accidents.
On booze and the distinction btw the correlation of facts and the cause of events.
These thieves must be Mississippi rednecks. . .
Aight. . .two OWS links. . .now for a palette cleanser: Cute Pug Puppy!
Dissecting a WaPo story on the new English translation of the Missal. Lots to dissect.
Could a single Marine unit take down the Roman Empire? Can't wait for the movie! (Exit question: will there be any aliens?)
B.O. cuts funding to Catholic groups fighting human trafficking. No, B.O. doesn't support human trafficking. This is about moving the Church further out of the public square.
Catholic Zombies! Now they have gone too far. . .too far indeed.
Southerners are losing their manners. Say it ain't so! (NB. Southern manners can often mask contempt, but polite contempt is better than open hostility, right?)
Wow. Someone recruit this guy to run for U.S. President. I'd almost be willing to amend the Constitution if he'd run.
This reminds me of that movie where all the good-looking 20-something's cheat death in a plane crash and then get killed off one by one via bizarre accidents.
On booze and the distinction btw the correlation of facts and the cause of events.
These thieves must be Mississippi rednecks. . .
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