NB. I'm a little late posting this one. . .
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Feast of St Luke
Fr Philip Neri Powell, OP
younger brother, Andy, and I loved to fight. To this day we scare our
mom by retelling old battles that she knew nothing about. Bricks to
the head. Butcher knife chases. Pro-wrestler moves on the gravel
driveway. That either one of us managed to get past high school is a
miracle. Sometimes our battles drew parental attention and were ended
by a belt and an order to go outside and split some cord wood. And
even though we were busy fighting hickory trees with chainsaws and
mauls, our hearts and minds were planning the next fight. No, we
weren't beating up on one another. . .but we were hardly at peace.
Peace is not merely the absence of violence. Nor is it the absence of
emotional turmoil or spiritual distress. Peace can be comforting,
sure, if peace is just a species of tranquility. But it isn't. At
least not the sort of peace that we can expect when we detach
ourselves from the things of this world and attach ourselves to
Lord says to the Seventy-two: “Go on your way. . .I am sending you
like lambs among wolves.” What sort of peace does a lonely lamb
experience among a pack of wolves? He adds, “Carry no money bag,
no sack, no sandals . . .” What sort of peace do we experience
going out into the world w/o cash, credit cards, shoes, or even a
sack of snacks? We're to eat and drink whatever we are given. Is that
vegan? Gluten-free? Low-carb? No sodium? Do you have a vegetarian
option? What sort of peace reigns when all of our choices are made
for us by strangers, and our only task is to heal their sick and
proclaim the Kingdom of God? When we say to them, “Peace to this
household,” what are we saying?
are saying, in fact, declaring, that Christ the King rules here.
Because you and yours have received us as disciples of Christ, and
b/c you and yours have shown us hospitality, we acknowledge in the
name of Christ that this household is indeed ruled by Christ. And b/c
he rules, you and yours are at peace. Not without some worry. Not
wholly lacking some turbulence. But firmly, gratefully subject to the
Eternal King, confidently guided and supported by the sacrificial
love he demonstrated on the cross. As
disciples, we bear Christ's peace to anyone and everyone who is
willing and able to receive it. Without vicious attachments to
worldly things and worldly passions, we bear Christ's peace in word
and deed, demonstrating ourselves his sacrifice of love on the cross.
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