16 October 2010

Movie stars at the Angelicum

Yesterday after lunch, I went to the front of the university and watched Robert DeNiro and Monica Bellucci film a scene from an upcoming Italian movie, Manuale d'amore 3.  

The Church of Ss. Dominic and Sixtus is frequently used by movie companies for wedding scenes, e.g. When in Rome.  The director of the DeNiro/Bellucci film were using the official front entrance of the Angelicum to film a hospital scene. 

Filming was very slow.  They would film for about 20 seconds, then cut and stand around for ten minutes.  Repeat.  Deadly dull. 

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15 October 2010

Coffee Bowl Browsing

ObamaCare closing down Catholic hospitals.  Can't say we didn't predict this.  Maybe this new book will become a best-seller by 2012.

No Brainer. Glenn Beck:  assault on teen in NYC was more than anti-gay; it is anti-human.  The imago Dei embodied by every human person is inviolable and must be respected.  Period.

From 2006:  The Myths of Hurricane Katrina. . .the article debunks many of the media myths about the causes of hurricane damage in NOLA and the gov't's response to the disaster. 

Sex crimes prosecutor reviews episodes of Law and Order:  SUV.  I quit watching L&O years ago b/c it became a vehicle for lefty talking points.  However, being a Legal Fanboy, I appreciate her analysis of the legal issues that the show brings up.

Fr. Z. dissects silly Newsweek article on St. Hildegard.  Be very suspicious anytime you hear a feminist lauding the courage of a female saint who bucked the authority of the patriarchal Church.  Among OP's this happens all the time with St. Catherine of Siena.  Nine times out of ten, the saint is being quoted out of context and the specifics of the alleged "bucking" are conveniently hidden. 

Siamo in Italia!  The Vatican's office of evangelizing cyberspace doesn't have internet access.  The procurator of the priory told me once that he hired a local company to repair some broken floor tiles.  When the workers didn't show on schedule, the procurator noted their tardiness to an Italian friar.  The friar responded, "Padre, it has only been three months!" 

CAUTION!  Bishop caught being a bishop.  DO NOT read near any Spirit of Vatican Two dissenters.  Have oxygen and smelling salts ready if they happen to glance over your shoulder.

Border patrol kitty is on the job!

Ahhhhh. . .free hugs.

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The Smallest Dignity

Saint Teresa of Jesus
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
SS. Domenico e Sisto, Roma

Glory, grace, splendor, worth, nobility—all synonyms for “dignity.” We use words like person, individual, soul when we talk about humans beings. Human dignity then is something like the worth of the individual, the grace and glory of a soul, the splendor and nobility of a person. In Christian theology, we don't use this kind of language to describe the social standing of a person, his/her rank or class in society. When we talk about the dignity of the human person we do so only to reference the image of God that each of us bears, that reflection of the divine that each of us embodies as creatures of a loving God. Whatever nobility, grace, and grandeur we bear as His children, we bear it as a gift, an endowment from the Father's limitless abundance. When Jesus tells the disciples that nothing escapes the notice of God's providence, he is reassuring them that they are never alone, never abandoned, never lacking what they need. If He cares for the smallest sparrow, how much more does He care for us?

To say that nothing escapes the notice of God may seem threatening to some. It could bring on a sense of paranoia about being observed by the ever watchful eye of an all-powerful being. But Jesus isn't trying to scare us into obedience nor is he trying to warn us to be good boys and girls b/c God is watching and listening. Our Lord knows that preaching the Good News comes with dangers, first among these is the threat of persecution for his name's sake. He knows first-hand that opposition to the gospel is fierce, immediate, and often deadly. Yet he reassures his disciples that any opposition—no matter how fierce—can only touch the body, never the soul. God alone cares for both the body and the soul. Therefore, if we will set ourselves against either the world or its Creator, we are wise to choose to stand against the world and preach the Good News without fear, without hesitation.

Paul writes to the Ephesians that we are God's possessions. That we are sealed with the Holy Spirit promised to us. That we are chosen “so that we might exist for the praise of his glory.” We exist to praise His glory. And in praising His glory we are dignified, made glorious, made worthy. By preaching the Good News—with opposition or without it—we offer the greatest praise we can offer. Do not be afraid. If our Father loves the smallest sparrow, how much more does He love us?

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14 October 2010

More server problems

The new university server decided yesterday that I cannot access my Yahoo email account.

So, if you've left a comment recently, it won't appear until the server changes its mind.

If I owe you an email. . .well, be patient.

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Coffee Bowl Browsing (in breve)

Annnnnd. . .we're back!  The university server came on-line late Tuesday night.  Last night a thunderstorm knocked it out.  And now. . .for now. . it is up again.  So, before we lose access again, here's a short CBB:

More reasons to send your kids to the University of Dallas!  Do UD'ers party?  I've heard rumors that they do (wink-wink). . .as a UD prof, I can assure you that they study as hard as they party.

What do hippies, hobos, and Tea Partiers have in common?  They all resist the evils of collectivism b/c they believe that human beings are best treated as innately free individuals.

Even as he fulminates about the Chamber of Commerce allegedly using donations from foreign companies, B.O. seems to "forget" that he did the same thing in 2008.  Memory is one of the greatest tools in fighting the faux-outrage of the hypocrites in our Ruling Class.

P.S.  STILL no word on the French exam. . .sigh.

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13 October 2010

Making the rules unnecessary

28th Week OT (Wed)
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
SS. Domenico e Sisto, Roma

Our Lord is unrelenting in his condemnation of hypocrisy, particularly the hypocrisy of those who wield religious authority. He says to the Pharisees, “Woe to you! You are like unseen graves over which people unknowingly walk.” Not only does he accuse his opponents of being dead and rotting in the ground, but he also accuses them of leading their unwitting followers into uncleanliness, impurity. Thus the hypocrisy of each Pharisee is both a personal and a public failure. When spiritual leaders fall, those who follow them fall as well. Jesus concludes his indictment of the Pharisees and scribes with a pointed accusation, “You impose on people burdens hard to carry, but you yourselves do not lift one finger to touch them.” Here lies the kernel of their hypocrisy: though they follow the Law to the letter, they do so only for the benefits that come with being seen doing so. They do not intend to see justice done nor do they love God; their only purpose is to lift themselves up and bask in the admiration of their followers. Therefore, Jesus says to them three times, “Woe to you. . .”

How do we avoid the temptations of hypocrisy? Paul writes to the Galatians, “If you are guided by the Spirit, you are not under the law. . .If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit.” Paul is not giving us permission to live lawless lives, wildly following every impulse, every appetite. He is challenging us to do something far more difficult than living the letter of the Law. Rather than scrupulously obeying every jot and tittle of the rules, we are called upon to fulfill the Law; that is, we are freed by Christ to live out the purpose of the Law, the underlying intent of the rules. For example, you can be meticulous in driving the posted speed limit and still believe that the other drivers deserve to be run off the road. You can come to Mass daily and still seek vengeance on your neighbor. You can quote canon law on the rules for fasting, follow those rules, and still remain a glutton in your heart. Despite a perfect driving record or a lifetime of perfect Mass attendance, you can still harbor hatred, anger, selfishness, and rivalry. Following the rules is no guarantee of a pure heart. But a pure heart makes the rules unnecessary.

Christ came to fulfill the Law. As his Body, the Church, we are vowed to preach his Word. So, we share the fruits of that Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. If we will lead in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit.

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