09 June 2012

Merry Christmas!

Aight. . .three more books arrived today from the Wish List. . .It's like Christmas!

My thanks to Adam F. and Gretchen V. for their generous contributions to my theological library.

You will both be added to my long prayer list of Book Benefactors.

God bless, Fr. Philip Neri, OP

P.S.  Sometime this summer I'll be headed to Dallas to retrieve the rest of my books from storage.  I've not seen them since 2008.  It will be like five Christmases all in one. . .

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An extravagant poverty

9th Week OT (S)
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
St. Dominic Church, NOLA

This morning, we hear Jesus condemn false religiosity and praise genuine charity. The scribes, replete in their liturgical garments, “devour the houses of widows and, as a pretext, recite lengthy prayers.” However, one of those widows—perhaps her house had been devoured?—“came [to the temple] and put in two small coins worth a few cents.” Contrasting the two scenes, Jesus says of the scribes, “They will receive a very severe condemnation.” About the widow he says, “I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury.” What's the difference btw the contributions of the scribes and the widow to the temple? All but the widow gave from their surplus wealth. The widow gave from her poverty. Charity is never about the amount, the quantity that we give. It's all about the source, the origin of what we give. What do we love most? Are we willing to sacrifice it for the good of another? Think about the question this way: when you give—time, talent, treasure—why do you give? Obligation? Guilt? Habit? Love? Sacrifice? A desire to be seen giving? Let's expand the question and ask: when you share your faith, give witness to Christ, why do you share? Why do you testify? Obligation? Habit? Love? 

 The most valuable asset of any follower of Christ is his/her experience of being delivered from the slavery of sin; his/her experience of growing in holiness through working with the Holy Spirit. Most of us would likely confess to a spiritual poverty that borders on destitution. If you're not being prideful in order to appear humble, you might honestly believe that you are unworthy to say two words about our life in Christ. I'm a sinner. Who am I to talk to someone else about my life on the Way? They should go talk to a priest or a sister, someone who's qualified to contribute to their spiritual treasury. I'm spiritually poor; I'm broke! I got nothing to give. Now, what was it that Jesus says about the widow's contribution? “. . .this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. . . she [gave] from her poverty. . .[she] contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.” Her two cents counts as a million dollars b/c she reaches into her near empty purse and gives what little she has, everything she has. The amount, the quality of your charity, your witness is not what counts. What counts in the treasury of heaven is the source, the origin of your contribution, your witness to Christ. If all you have is just two words and you give them out of love to someone who needs them, then those two words are a gift beyond measure. 

If you need additional encouragement to make a sacrificial witness to Christ, listen again to Paul writing to Timothy, “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus. . .be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching. . .be self-possessed in all circumstances; put up with hardship; perform the work of an evangelist; fulfill your ministry.” What exactly is your ministry as a follower of Christ? As a priest, prophet, and king in virtue of your baptism into the death and resurrection of Christ, you sacrifice and intercede for others; you discern and follow God's will; and you govern yourself and your household with righteousness. Your ministry is to be Christ for others in the world. And you fulfill your ministry by being and doing all that Christ himself is and does. From the poverty of your holiness, pour out holiness; from the poverty of your wisdom, pour out wisdom; from the poverty of your blessings, pour out blessings. The more you pour out, the greater your capacity to receive all the Father's graces. All that we are and all that we possess is a gift, freely given to us by God. None of it belongs to us. Not our lives, our children, our homes, none of it. We are merely storehouses, temporary shelters for the infinite blessings of Love. Contribute, share, witness, empty yourself out for Christ's sake, and be filled over and over again. 

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08 June 2012

Thanks. . .

Received several books while I was away in New Jersey. . .

Two of the books had no sender or return address.  My thanks to these anonymous benefactors.

And my thanks to M.M.R. for the two Lagrange books.  They are truly weighty tomes!

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Coffee Cup Browsing

Photographer forced by a court to take pics at a same-sex "wedding."  Just the beginning, folks. 

So, the LCWR-types are going to protest the CDF by doing more of what the CDF praised them for doing so well???  O. Kay.

B.O. admin "suddenly" looks like a house of cards. . .really, "suddenly"?  It's looked that way since Jan 2009.

Those Professionally Outraged by Anything at All are professionally outraged that a book that provides "a theological rationale for same-sex relationships, masturbation and remarriage after divorce" has been spanked by the CDF.  In other news, water is wet, declares the Pope.

Sister's congregation excuses her errors in the name of "ecumenism."  How can one be ecumenical and lie about one's faith?

Franciscan friars come to the LCWR's defense.  You will see no such statement from the Dominican friars.

Heh.  So much for the meme that striking down ObamaCare will tarnish the Court in the eyes of the public.

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Resist the deceivers!

9th Week OT (F)
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
St. Dominic Church, NOLA

Paul gives Timothy a warning and a bit of encouragement, “. . . wicked people and charlatans will go from bad to worse, deceivers and deceived. But you, remain faithful to what you have learned and believed. . .” Paul warns his disciple against the deceptive machinations of those who would lead the faithful away from the truth. But he also praises Timothy for remaining faithful to all that Paul has taught him. How does Timothy remain so faithful to what he believes despite the efforts of the agents of deception? “Because [Paul writes] you know from whom you learned it.” Note well: “from WHOM you learned it.” Timothy learned the gospel truth from a person, from the personal witness and instruction of Paul himself. Paul notes that Timothy knows the scriptures well, a written witness “which [is] capable of giving you wisdom for salvation. . .” Paul adds, “. . .through faith in Christ Jesus.” Knowledge of scripture alone is not sufficient for salvation. It is “through faith in Christ Jesus” that the fullness of redemption is achieved. We need both the written witness of scripture and the living witness and instruction of the apostles in order to remain faithful against the deceivers and the deceived. 

Over the last couple of months, we've been treated to a media circus over the Vatican's assessment of the LCWR. Just this week, the CDF published a notification on a book written by an American sister that argues against the basic moral theology of the Church. The media circus swirls around what has become a predictable theme: Oppressive Vatican Patriarchs are trying to stomp out any opposition to their absolute power. Of course, this is utter nonsense. But the circus provides us with an interesting insight into the modernist mindset and how faithful Catholics are pressured by deceivers and the deceived to twist the apostolic faith into an ideology agreeable to the spirit of the age. Defenders of the LCWR and the American sister quote scripture and argue that the spirit of the age requires us to adapt the faith to modern times. Failure to do this risks making the faith “irrelevant.” What's left out of this response is the role of Peter, Paul, and the other apostles in handing on to us their personal witness through the teaching office of the Church. Scripture alone is not sufficient for salvation. We need the apostolic witness provided by our bishops. 

Early in Paul's second letter to Timothy, Paul reminds his disciple, “. . .to stir into flame the gift of God—that you have through the imposition of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord. . .” Timothy receives from Paul's hands a spirit of power, love, and self-control. And b/c Timothy possesses this spirit, he is not to be ashamed to witness to the Lord. Timothy did not receive additional knowledge of scripture; he did not receive any special sort of wisdom. He receives the Holy Spirit who seals his experience as one sent out to preach, to teach, and to lead. For all their very human flaws and all their many managerial mistakes, our bishops have received this same Spirit and teach with the authority of Christ. Do not be deceived by those who would have you twist the faith to please the fleeting spirit of the age. Do not be taken in by charlatans who would you the Snake's oil for the price of your soul. Remain faithful through the witness of scripture and obedience to the apostolic tradition, so that you “may be competent [and] equipped for every good work.”

Give me feedback, please!

07 June 2012


At around 9.30am yesterday, Fr. John Dominic Logan, OP, 81, died of a massive heart attack while vesting for Mass.

He was priest-in-residence at St. Joseph's in Ponchatoula, LA.

I worked with J.D. in campus ministry at the University of Dallas.  

After we'd concelebrated my first Mass at U.D., we processed to the sacristy and I said, "Well, that went well."  J.D. harrumphed and said, "Your liturgical gestures look like you're swatting at flies."

That's our J.D.


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Back in the South

Back in Nawlins'!

I want to warn any OP friar who might be invited to the Summit monastery in the future:

The food was horrible.  The nuns were cranky.  And they have a big stinky dog.

I'll sacrifice myself and volunteer to fulfill all their retreat/continuing education needs from now on.

Don't worry:  I'll offer it up.  

Seriously, the food was great. . .the Fat Wednesday Report will be very disappointing.  The nuns were delightful--engaged, funny, lively.  And Sr. Sabina (a golden lab) was spotless.

Had a great time. . .as usual!

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03 June 2012

Coffee Bowl Browsing (Pre-emptive Edition)

Did Crdl. Dolan "payoff" predators in WI?  No.  As usual, the NYT's anti-Catholic bigotry shines.

Nashville Dominican goes to the USCCB!  Congrats, sisters.

Heh.  Maybe Maureen Dowd isn't such a bubblehead after all. . .who knew?

Wow. . .even NPR whipping-boy, Juan Williams is regurgitating the B.O. Kool-Aid.

I toldya, I toldya, I toldya. . .it's coming.  No.  It's HERE!

LCWR responds to CDF with Random Sister-Speak Generator

Occupiers suffering from PTSD?  Sure.  Rape, murder, drug abuse, rioting.  Who wouldn't?

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My thanks to Lynn F. for the Kindle Book!

It's in my longish queue to be read sometime before Christmas. . .it's getting very good reviews.

Fr. Philip Neri, OP

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Podcast Preaching

I recorded this morning's preaching of the Most Holy Trinity homily.

Check thee it out!

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A week with the Summit Nuns!

I'll be heading out bright and early tomorrow morning to spend the week with the OP nuns of Summit, NJ.

We're reading and discussing BXVI's Deus caritas est.

Please, pray for the Good Sisters and my safe travel!

Fr. Philip Neri, OP

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