26 April 2009

Books I've read about. . .(UPDATE)

As I scurried around my room looking for a prayer book this morning, it occurred to me that I haven't begged for books in a while. . .not very mendicant of me.

So, I got out my "Books I've Read About But Not Yet Read and Need To List" and updated the WISH LIST! I've focused on books that will I will use when I start teaching here in the fall (God willing. . .).

(UPDATE: Wow! Thanks for the quick response to my begging. . .I guess it doesn't hurt to ask, uh?)

I recently rec'd two books (authors Pannenberg & Staniloae) that will be acknowledged with a Thank You card tomorrow morning.

Please keep up the prayers as I finish the manuscript for my own prayer book (linked to the right). So far, everything is right on schedule.

As alway, mille grazie. . .grazie mille!

P.S. And yes, I will be getting back to weekly homilies once the manuscript is done.


  1. One of the things that has totally delighted me since returning to the Catholic Church has been the abundance of great reading material. I look forward to any recommendations. Currently, one book on my list is "The Spirit of the Liturgy" by our Holy Father, when he was a Cardinal. I love the liturgy.

  2. when the dang thing coming out so's I can get MY copy? This pic is just too enticing!

  3. I didn't forget!!

    I'm linking to the new book now.
