14 April 2012

Therefore, peace be with you. . .

NB.  Yes, this is an adapted homily from 2006. . .for reasons too complicated and embarrassing to get into, I had to recycle something from the archive.  If it doesn't work at the vigil Mass this afternoon, I'll have time in the morning to compose something new. 

P.S.  This one didn't go over so well. . .I felt a stirring amongst the crowd that didn't bode well.

2nd Sunday of Easter (2012)
Fr. Philip N. Powell, OP
St Dominic Church, NOLA

Who indeed is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? The victory that conquers the world is our faith. And so, peace be with you in the mercy of Christ!

You might think that Jesus would take it easy after his passion, his death, his descent into Hell, and his resurrection! What better time, what better excuse would any of us have to take a break—“I was betrayed by my friends, beaten by the police, nailed hands and feet to a cross, left to die, stabbed by a spear, buried in a tomb, spent three days in Hell, and then my Father raised me from the dead. Yea, I think I’m gonna take the week off, relax, catch up on my reading, do the spa thing…” That would be me anyway. Jesus, on the other hand, has a much better work ethic than I do and seems particularly energized by his trial and tribulations; he’s revved up to continue his ministry, appearing to Mary Magdalene and the woefully hard-hearted and doubting disciples several times over the last week.

The disciples are wallowing in anxiety, self-pity, disappointment, and maybe even a little shame at their failure to better defend their teacher and friend against the self-serving powers of the Temple and the Empire. Are they reluctant to believe that he is truly risen b/c they are embarrassed to confront him? Maybe. They don’t seem all that ashamed when they finally come around and see Jesus for who he is. Maybe they are reluctant b/c they do not look like victors over the world; they do not look like those who have believed and conquered the world in faith. They are despondent, worried about many things, depressed, crowding together to comfort one another in their waiting, in their despairing anticipation.

What are they waiting for? What has paralyzed them so? Frozen their spirits and slowed their hearts? Why aren’t they out there in the world claiming victory in faith? Why aren’t they out there proclaiming that the conquering Word has risen from the dead and living among them? Why can’t they see? Why can’t they hear? Why won’t they believe? 

Faith releases us from the need to control. Faith conquers the need to entertain all possible options. Faith recognizes the powerful singularity of Truth, the breathtaking beauty of raw reality, the Very Good of all creation. Faith reorders priorities, reschedules plans, reorganizes futures. Faith is the seed of a covenant of love, a promise of boundless mercy and unconditional favor. Faith places you in the conquering good will of the Father—His will that you love, that you be loved, and His will that we keep his commandments. Faith comes first. Trust is primary. Faith then plans. Faith then philosophies. Faith then theologies. Faith then sciences. Faith then politics. 

The disciples will not believe absent the presence of Christ among them for the same reasons that you and I are not likely to believe. We like control. We need nearly infinite options, unfettered choices. We love the idea of relative truth—My truth, your truth, or no truth at all! We value human justice above divine mercy and cannot let go of vengeance. We have plans, expectations, back-up plans, important worries, dire anxieties, vitally important worries, extremely dire anxieties; we have schedules, deadlines, due dates, things to do, places to be, people to meet! And I don’t have what I need! And I don’t need what I have! I have sins; I have BIG sins. I’m a big sinner! A huge sinner! Lock the doors! Be afraid…!! Hell is rushing up to meet me and I’m running as fast as I can to meet the Devil. . .faster and faster and faster. . .

And Jesus stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” He showed them his hands and his side, his passionate wounds. As the disciples rejoiced, Jesus said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” He breathed on them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” And he gave them the power to forgive sin through his mercy and in his name.

Thomas the Twin wasn’t with them when Jesus appeared and did not believe the apostolic witness when it was given. Thomas was not a doubter; he was a denier. Thomas did not say to his fellow disciples, “I’m having difficulties working through the implications of the Lord’s death and Resurrection.” He didn’t say: “The possibility that Jesus has been dead for three days and has risen from the tomb is troubling, and I’m struggling with it.” Thomas said: “I will not believe until I see it for myself.” That’s not doubt; that’s denial. He is placing his willful need for understanding above his trust in Christ and requiring that God be worthy of his trust.

The Lord lets Thomas feel his wounds and then lets him know in no uncertain terms that his denial is a failure of trust: “Have you come to believe b/c you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” Jesus is not calling for “blind faith.” He is calling on Thomas, the disciples, and us to believe the witness of the Church, to trust the evidence of those who have lived their lives in faith before us. Jesus is not asking us to deny our intellect, to deny our good sense, or to leave our expensive educations at the door of the Church. Nothing about the Catholic faith requires us to assent to foolishness in order to be good Catholics. Nothing about the faith requires us to adopt willful ignorance, or stupidity. Nor are we required to stop asking questions or surrender a healthy curiosity. 

Doubt as such is no obstacle to the faith so long as we are ready to doubt Doubt, that is, so long as we do not invest a great deal of trust in our doubts. When you invest in your doubts, when you make uncertainty primary, you are actually trusting in your own judgment, trusting that you have the better answer. St Thomas Aquinas teaches us that even believing resembles doubt sometimes in that both have “no finished vision of the truth.” Have your doubts. Struggle with the Church’s witness. Ask questions and seek faithful answers. But understand that doubt itself is a form of certainty in one's own judgment, and it cannot grant us a license to dissent; having doubts, asking questions does not constitute a God-given right to deny. We are victors over the world in faith, in trust, not in suspicious denial and rebellion.

Who indeed is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? The victory that conquers the world is our faith. And so, peace be with you! Receive the Holy Spirit. Be unstuck, become unglued; be opened, enlivened, renewed; be born again in faith and victory; conquer this world by the power of your trust, your bone-deep, blood-rushing witness to the truth of our Catholic faith: the living faith of the faithful dead, unbroken and unchanged, for us and with us the same teachings of Jesus, the same preaching of the apostles, the power of the sacraments, the magisterial authority of the Church, the very Presence of Christ among us!

He is risen from the dead. And that victory conquers the world. Therefore, peace be with you. Receive the Holy Spirit; believe, and be at peace in Christ's divine mercy.

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12 April 2012

Book Recs for Teen Boys

Wendee wrote to ask about any book recommendations I might have for her 14 y.o. son who loves history.  

A search on Amazon turned up some likely candidates, so I thought I'd post the link here for any other parents or kids who might be looking for something good to read. . .

Turn of the Century Boys' Adventure Books (it's not likely that these will have any offensive or age-inappropriate scenes in them)

C.S. Lewis' Space Triology

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Surprise. . .

A box of books from the Wish List arrived yesterday. . .WooHoo!!

There was no shipping invoice, so my Kind and Generous Benefactor will remain anonymous. . .to me, at least. 

Nonetheless, my prayers on your behalf will be properly credited to you in Heaven!

Also, a Thank You to Jason S. for the Kindle Book. . .I started reading it last night. . .good stuff!  You'd really be amazed at how many novels about ancient Rome there are.

God bless, Fr. Philip Neri, OP

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11 April 2012

Staying with us in the breaking of the bread

Wednesday of the Octave of Easter
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
St. Dominic Church, NOLA

Have you ever had one of those moments when you suddenly, unexpectedly understand something that has eluded you for years? Try as you might, you just can't quite see the whole problem clearly, or grasp the solution firmly. Others try to help. You consult experts; read books; search the internet, but the pattern of events or the connections among the various elements of the problem just won't congeal into a coherent picture. Finally, one day, while you're mowing the yard or driving to work—BAM!—it hits you! All the pieces, all the connections, all the definitions and angles fall gracefully into place and you understand. Zen Buddhists call this satori. In the West, we call it a Eureka moment—the moment that our minds pierce the fog of confusion and we achieve a peaceful clarity; it is the moment our eyes are opened and we see, truly see. While walking toward the town of Emmaus, two of Jesus' disciples have their eyes opened to Christ's presence. Why couldn't they see him at first? The disciples were “looking downcast,” depressed with grief. Rather than seeking the Lord himself, they were looking for consolation. How was their sight returned to them? In the blessing and breaking of the bread.

Cleopas and his fellow disciple are despondent about the death of Jesus and the disappearance of his body from the tomb. Their grief and confusion prevents them from recognizing Jesus when he meets them on the road. They recount the dramatic events of the past few days. In response, Jesus, exclaims, “Oh, how foolish you are!” What causes their folly? Their hearts are slow to believe all that the prophets had revealed about the Christ. Jesus asks, “Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” Had the disciples listened and believed all that Jesus had taught them, they would know that there is no reason to grieve, no reason to be downcast. Being a patient teacher, Jesus walks them through the scriptures, beginning with Moses, and shows them step by step how he has fulfilled the Law and the Prophets. When they all arrive in Emmaus, the disciples make a simple yet profound request of the stranger who's walked with them, “Stay with us.” He does. And their eyes are opened to see the Lord when he blesses and breaks bread for them. He stays with us in the breaking of the bread.

Like these disciples who spend their limited time grieving the death of the Lord instead of seeking his wisdom, we too cause ourselves useless confusion and anxiety by refusing to trust in a fundamental truth: God is always with us, always among us, and providing for our care. How often do we cry out for God's help and fail to see the help He has sent b/c we are too busy looking for the help we want? How often do we bargain with God and fail to see the gifts He has freely given us b/c we are too busy bargaining for the things we want? In the scriptures and the teaching ministry of the Church, we have everything we need to understand that Jesus is the Christ. In the sacraments of the Church and our own charitable works, we have everything we need to grow in holiness. What the scriptures, the magisterium, the sacraments, and our good works cannot do for us is prise open our eyes to see God working among us and for us. For that, we must say, each of us must say, “Stay with us, Lord!” And he remains—plain to see and hear—in the Word of his prophets and in the breaking of the bread.
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10 April 2012


I've updated the Kindle Wish List with some novels set in ancient Rome. . .my favorites!

And I updated the Books & Things Wish List with some Must Have texts from the neo-Thomistic tradition of Garrigou-Lagrange--JPII's dissertation director at the Angelicum.

Some kind and generous soul recently purchased several books from the Wish List. . .when they arrive, I will send a Thank You note ASAP!

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Coffee Cup Browsing

Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum in Rome. . .meditations written by the founders of the Focolare Movement. Save these for next year. . .

Academic Crimethink. . .this is how I became a Marxist-feminist lit theory robot in the 90's.  This sort of thing happens in schools of theology as well.

Faith & Riches. . .to put it bluntly:  believers are going to out-breed unbelievers.

Replicating NBC's "editing mistake" shows that it was no mistake.

Good question, actually:  why aren't the bounty-hunting Black Panthers not under arrest? 

Cowardly Dawkins won't debate professional Christian philosophers. . .nor will he speak (unopposed) on a Catholic radio show.  We need better atheists!

Oh, what a difference five yrs. makes in the "anti-war" movement.  The occupant of the White House seems to matter a great deal as well.

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09 April 2012

Monday Fat Report

Not sure what to make of this. . .

I'm down to 318lbs.   That's a nine pound drop from last week.

Just to be sure, I weighed three times within an hour this morning.  All the readings were within a .2lbs. variance.

So. . .who knows?. . .whatever the reason, I'm grateful!  Your prayers are obviously working.

Fr. Philip Neri, OP

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From fear to joy. . .

Octave of Easter (M)
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
St. Dominic Church, NOLA

We have two stories of fear this morning. Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James, discover Christ's empty tomb. “Fearful yet overjoyed,” they start to run back to the other disciples to report that their Lord's body is missing. Meanwhile, the temple guards report to the chief priests “all that has happened.” Afraid that the story of the missing body will be heard as evidence of Jesus' authenticity, the priests and elders bribe the guards to spread a false story about how the disciples removed their teacher's corpse from the tomb. The disciples are afraid. The priests, elders, and guards are afraid. Everyone it seems is brimming with fear this Easter Monday morning. The two Mary's flee the empty tomb. The guards run to the chief priests. The chief priests bribe the guards. And the guards accept the bribe. Everyone is afraid and everyone deals with their fear differently. However, our Lord appears to the Mary's and says to them, “Do not be afraid.” He changes their fear into a mission, “Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” In the presence of the Risen Christ, our fear, worry, anxiety are transformed into a passion for spreading the Good News of the God's providence and mercy!

Anyone who tells you that there's nothing to fear in this world is lying. In the news just this morning: Syria is waging a civil war; N Korea is threatening to attack its neighbors; racial violence is on the rise all over the U.S.; Islamic extremists are taking power in Egypt and Liyba; 38 Nigerian Catholics were killed Easter morning during Mass by two car bombs; there is civil unrest in China; and the religious freedoms of western democracies are under attack in Europe, Canada, and the U.S. Our Holy Father, Benedict, said in his Easter homily that “darkness threatens mankind.” There is much to fear but there is no reason to be afraid. In the presence of the Risen Christ, fear is transformed into a passion for giving witness to the victory of life over death, the victory of truth over falsehood, the victory of light over darkness! The bloody cross of Good Friday yields the empty tomb of Easter Morning. Having been students at the feet of Jesus, the Mary's know this truth, so they are “fearful yet overjoyed” at finding his body missing. And when the Christ appears to them and says, “Do not be afraid,” they begin their mission to spread the good news of his resurrection.

We are in the presence of the Risen Christ this morning. Any fear we may be feeling; any anxiety we may be nurturing; any despair, disappointment, anger, dissatisfaction, emptiness—any and all of the disordered passions we are capable of experiencing, all of them can be transformed into a passion for living the Good News and spreading word of God's mercy. How? When the Risen Christ appears to the fearful Mary's, they “approached [him], embraced his feet, and did him homage.” They go to Christ; they receive him as their Lord; and they give to him the honor and glory due his name. Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid of mockery or death; do not be afraid of your failures, or your flaws. Joy overwhelms fear. Joy overcomes all obstacles, breaks all barriers. Set your minds on the sure knowledge that Christ's victory is complete. Death is defeated. You have died in Christ. A new life in him awaits. The battle is won; the war is over. Victory goes to our King. From an empty tomb, victory has always and will always go to the Risen Christ!

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08 April 2012

Seek what is above. . .

Easter Sunday (2012)
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
St. Dominic Church, NOLA

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is risen! His tomb stands empty! Three days after his trial and humiliation, three days after walking the Way of Sorrow, three days after his grisly execution on a Roman cross, and three days after a stone sealed his grave, our Lord, Jesus Christ, is risen. His tomb stands empty. This is the historical fact of the first Easter morning: where we should find a broken and decomposing body wrapped in a burial shroud, all we find is dust and cloth. Mark tells us that when Mary Magdalene; Mary, the mother of James; and Salome arrive at the tomb to anoint their Master's body, they find the stone rolled away and sitting inside a young man clothed in a white robe. The women are amazed. The man says, “Do not be amazed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here.” John tells us that Simon Peter and another disciple run to the grave. They search the tomb, and seeing that Jesus is not there, they believe. And though they believe, “they [do] not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead.” The disciples, mourning the brutal death of their teacher, seek for him below, literally, in the ground. They believe, but they do not yet understand. Paul writes to the Colossians, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” We are raised with Christ, therefore, we must seek what is above. 

In the Garden, on the day of his execution, our Lord asks Judas and the temple guards, “Whom do you seek?” They answer, “Jesus the Nazorean.” Jesus says, “I AM.” In the same moment that he is betrayed by his friend, Christ reveals (again) that he is the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob; that he is the voice that spoke to Moses; that he is one with the Father and one with the Spirit; he reveals his nature, and in doing so, reveals his purpose: to die on the altar of the cross in sacrifice for the salvation of the world and to rise again into the heavenly tabernacle. If the history of our redemption had ended on Golgotha with the bloody execution of one man to save us all, ours today would a religion of human sacrifice. But our history does not end at the Place of the Skull. In fact, our history doesn't even begin there. The story of our redemption begins at the creatio ex nihilo, the creation of everything from nothing when God breathed His Word across the Void and all things came to be and were made good. The Word of our creation speaks through the Law and the prophets, revealing His will; he speaks through all the things of creation, revealing His design; and he speaks in the voice of one divine person, Jesus Christ, to reveal, finally and uniquely, His merciful love. Dying on the cross, the Christ utters his final sentence, “It is finished.” He is dead. The final sacrifice is complete. His work is done. Now, he is risen by the Spirit and our work in the Spirit has just begun. 

Where do we begin? On Good Friday, we heard Jesus ask his betrayer, “Whom do you seek?” At our vigil last night, we heard Isiah say, “Seek the Lord. . .call him while he is near.” We also heard the man inside tomb say to the women, “You seek Jesus, the crucified.” This morning, we heard Paul, writing to the Colossians, say, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above. . .Think of what is above, not of what is on earth.” We begin the work of bringing to the world the saving Word of God by first seeking that which is above, seeking after the one from whom we receive our salvation. We begin by dying to sin, turning from disobedience and death, picking up the cross we've been given, and following Christ. We begin by setting our hearts and minds to trusting in God's promises to provide for us, to forgive us, and to always love us. We begin by believing that his tomb is empty so that we might come to understand that he is raised in glory to sit at the right hand of the Father, to understand that we too will be raised in glory to eat and drink at His eternal feast. When we seek what is above, our lives are directed toward, aligned with the divine will, the holy purpose encoded into the DNA of creation. When we seek what is above, we come to believe and understand that we were given life to propagate life—the life we now live and the life we hope to live with God forever. As seekers of what is above, we come to believe and understand that all of creation, all of God's creatures, reveal His presence among us, reveal His purpose to us, and direct us along the path to both righteousness and peace. Whom do you seek? Whom do you follow? Who are you here at this feast of the resurrection of the Lord? And who will you be when we lay you in your grave? 

Peter says, “You know what has happened. . .” He then recounts the life and death of Jesus. He ends by reminding the disciples that “he commissioned us to preach to the people and testify that he is the one appointed by God as judge of the living and the dead. To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name.” You know what has happened. Our Lord is risen. His tomb is empty. Through his resurrection we are made children of the Father and commissioned to preach to the people and testify that Jesus is the long-promised and long-awaited Christ. If we are preachers of his Word, then we are also prophets who bear witness to the guarantee that anyone who believes in him will be forgiven their sins, brought back to righteousness, and gifted with eternal life. To be the preachers and prophets of the Good News of the Father's mercy, we must always seek him who is above, seek him who is beyond, and keep all that we are focused on the holy purpose of our graced lives. In his Easter homily in Rome, our Holy Father, Benedict, said, “Jesus rises from the grave. Life is stronger than death. Good is stronger than evil. Love is stronger than hate. Truth is stronger than lies.” Make your lives a living witness to this fact: not even death itself can contain the glory and power of God!
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07 April 2012

It is done. . .

Just finished the Easter Vigil here at St. Dominic's. . .we received 13 new Catholics into the Church!

Happy Easter !!!

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06 April 2012

"It is finished. . ." and begun.

Good Friday 2012
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
St. Dominic Church, NOLA

Our Lord takes a sip of wine and sighs, “It is finished.” Our Lord is dead. Do we mourn? Do we rejoice? His mortal life is finished, and now we. . .what?. . .celebrate/remember/grieve. He is finished; his work is done. And whatever we choose to do with his passing, our pilgrimage to lives eternal is just beginning. The poet, W. H. Auden, chose to dwell at the cross on Good Friday. He writes:

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling in the sky the message 'He is dead'[. . .]

I thought that love would last forever, I was wrong
The stars are not wanted now, put out every one
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood
For nothing now can ever come to any good.*

Mr. Auden was wrong. . .about being wrong. Love does last forever and there is no need to empty creation of its stars and oceans and woods. Come Easter morning—we know—that Christ's tomb is empty and all creation is brought back to Love. But for today, our Lord is dead. And the good he brings seems forever away. Do we mourn? Rejoice? Do we laugh or cry? Whatever we do, we take one step toward eternity. 

* Stop All the Clocks, W. H. Auden, 1937.  This poem was written as lyrics for a play.  The subject of the poem is a deceased politician, not Christ; however, I thought the idea of the poem fit well with Good Friday.  

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Yes, confessions can be heard on Good Friday. . .

Will your pastor open the confessional on Good Friday?

Though celebrating the sacrament is not required, many pastors believe that confession is forbidden on Good Friday.

Due to a bad English translation from the Latin and a desire to dampen any enthusiasm for "pre-Vatican Two" devotional practices, a generation or two of priests have been led to believe that the rubrics for Good Friday forbid confessions being heard today.

Not so!

The 2002 edition of the Roman Missal removes all ambiguity:  "On this and the following day, the Church, from a most ancient tradition, does not at all celebrate the sacraments, except for (the sacraments of) Penance and Anointing of the Sick."  

So, there may be many perfectly good reasons for not offering the sacrament today; however, "The rubrics say we can't have confession on Good Friday" is not one of them.
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05 April 2012

BXVI: "Is disobedience a path of renewal for the Church?"

[. . .]

Recently a group of priests from a European country [Austria] issued a summons to disobedience, and at the same time gave concrete examples of the forms this disobedience might take, even to the point of disregarding definitive decisions of the Church’s Magisterium, such as the question of women’s ordination, for which Blessed Pope John Paul II stated irrevocably that the Church has received no authority from the Lord. Is disobedience a path of renewal for the Church? We would like to believe that the authors of this summons are motivated by concern for the Church, that they are convinced that the slow pace of institutions has to be overcome by drastic measures, in order to open up new paths and to bring the Church up to date. But is disobedience really a way to do this? Do we sense here anything of that configuration to Christ which is the precondition for all true renewal, or do we merely sense a desperate push to do something to change the Church in accordance with one’s own preferences and ideas?

[. . .]

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Meditations on Christian Dogma, two excellent books. . .

Two books recommendations for you. . .

Meditations on Christian Dogma, Vol. 1

Meditations on Christian Dogma, Vol. 2

Both volumes were written by The Rt. Rev. James Bellford, D.D. and first published in England in 1898.  The links above will you give the 3rd editions of these volumes published in 1906 and reprinted by St Pius X Press.

Bishop Bellford gives us two excellent volumes of meditations on basic Christian dogma.  Volume One covers God, The Incarnation, and The Blessed Virgin.  Volume Two covers Beatitude, Laws, Grace, Virtue, Human Acts, and The Last Things, among others.  

Three qualities highly recommend these books:  orthodoxy, clarity, and brevity.

First, orthodoxy: these meditations provide thoroughly orthodox insights and explanations of the principle dogmatic truths of the Catholic faith.  Written before modernist and postmodernist innovations infected our theological vocabulary and thought, these volumes lay out the fundamentals of our apostolic traditions as the Church has received them from the beginning.  The Good Bishop was deeply influenced by Aquinas and his books can be read as commentary on the Summa.  Though there is no critical apparatus to link specific meditations to individual articles of the saint's major work, a quick glance at the table of contents will confirm that Bellford has structured his work along a line similar to Aquinas'. 

Second, clarity:  without the gobbledegook of modernist and postmodernist theological language to clutter up his thoughts, Bellford's meditations are strikingly clear.  He relies principally on scripture, conciliar documents, papal decrees, and the Church Father for his images, vocabulary, and tone.  For example, he introduces his meditation on The Last Supper, "In the Last Supper Jesus Christ exhibits His love, and proves Himself to be our best Friend. . ."  He then quotes John 13.1 and continues, "This was the farewell banquet on the last evening of His earthly life; in it He delivered His Testament, His final work of love, and bequeathed as a keepsake and eternal memorial of Himself.  This bequest was not His portrait, not even the most valuable of His created works, not an empty type or figure of Himself; it was Himself under the form of a simple creature, it was His own Body and Blood, it was the food of eternal life for our souls under the appearance of perishable bodily nourishment. . ."  Simple, clear, concise.  Some of the more philosophically complex topics naturally use more sophisticated language, but the overall style of his writing is easily comprehended but nonetheless rich for reflection. 

Third, brevity:  each meditation is exactly two pages long.  This means that he gets to the meat of the matter w/o sputtering on about his feelings or personal experiences.  If you want a book of meditations that touches your emotions, then you will have to look elsewhere. Bellford's books are meant--in their brevity and clarity--to shoot you with the large dose of intelligent insight quickly and cleanly.

I highly recommend these books for Catholics who suffered through the Dark Days of butterflies and rainbows catechesis and who now find themselves grasping for an anchor in the faith.  For new Catholics, these books will give you more than just the basics; they will give a foundation and a solid framework from which to grow in holiness.  For seminarians and clergy, these books will give you a basis from which to access newer theologies and often provide excellent prompts for papers and homilies. 

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Just Say NO to P.C. Foot Washings (repost)

NB.  Fr. Michael has the Holy Thursday Mass tonight, so no homily from me.  I thought I'd repost on the Annual Holy Week Liturgical Question of Foot Washing. . .

Q: Any opinion on the yearly controversy over the rubrics regarding the Holy Thursday liturgy for foot washing?

A: I always dread this question! My iron-clad rule is: Say the black, do the red. In other words, read the prayers as they are written in the liturgical books and follow the rules as they are. Following this rule, the priest will wash the feet of twelve men from his parish.

Now, the controversy revolves around two elements of this liturgy: 1) who washes? and 2) who gets washed? Some say: everyone washes; everyone gets washed! Others follow the rubric requiring the priest to do the washing, but they usually try to mix and match the washee's to accommodate some weird need to use this liturgy to express the "diversity" of the parish (as if just looking around in the pews doesn't demonstrate this well enough).

The B.I.G. issue, of course, is whether or not women can be included as washee's. The rubrics clearly require that the washee's be men, males (viri). In the U.S., bishops are allowed to grant pastors an exception to include women. Most do, I would bet. Fine.

What this debate about rubrics usually misses is the whole point of the rite itself. Jesus washes the feet of his disciples in order to show them that he is not only their Master and friend but their servant as well. He will go to the cross as a servant for them (and for us all). The priest, acting in the person of Christ, washes the feet of twelve men in order to liturgically enact this revelatory moment.

This liturgy is not about diversity or tolerance or discipleship or community-building. This is the moment when Christ--fully God, fully man--begins to empty himself in preparation for his passion and for the cross. In one very important way, this liturgy is about who the priest is for his parish--since he is and acts in the person of Christ as head of the Church, the priest is symbolizing his servant-leadership of the community. To use foot-washing on Holy Thursday for any other purpose is simply perverse.

Some will argue that since Jesus tells his disciples "to go and do likewise" that this is reason enough to turn the liturgy in a podiatrical free-for-all. If this is the case, then let's follow the example of scripture precisely. Celebrate the liturgy as it is written and then "do likewise." In other words, the priest will wash the feet of twelve men and then another part of the liturgy can be devoted to the "doing likewise." Or maybe a foot-washing free-for-all liturgy can be planned for another time of the year, or even regularly scheduled during Lent. Not perfect solutions by any stretch, I know.

What is tiresome about this yearly debate is the constant refrain of prog liturgists that this event needs to "express diversity." No, it doesn't. There is no good reason for this liturgy to do any such thing. Why this liturgy should yield to the demands of liturgical political correctness is beyond me. There's no demand that baptisms reflect the parish's diversity. Diversity in confessions? Will every Latino couple getting married in the parish need to find an Asian couple to get married with in order to celebrate diversity? Can three black guys get ordained to the priesthood at the same time, or do they need to wait until at least one white guy is ready for ordination?

Of course, the other possibility is to simply skip it. It's optional.

2012 Addendum:  One of the stated goals of the Spirit of Vatican Two Revolution is to de-clericalize the Church by opening all liturgical roles to the laity.  Following the rubrics for the Foot Washing gets in the way of this hallowed goal; therefore, the rubrics must be ignored.  Listen carefully to the homilies tonight.  How many preachers note that Holy Thursday is specifically designed to celebrate the institution of the Eucharist and the ordained priesthood?  If your pastor doesn't mention this element of the liturgy, it is probably b/c he's never heard it himself!

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04 April 2012

Judas faithfully served his god. . .

Wednesday of Holy Week (2012)
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
St. Dominic Church, NOLA

We become what we worship; that is, we change into that which we love most. Ps 115 teaches us that the makers of idols and those who trust in them will be just like their own creations—with eyes that do not see, noses that do not smell, ears that do not hear, and throats that do not speak. If you love a thing of this passing world, your love will be passing as well. If you love God—eternal and boundless—your love will be eternal and boundless; you will become a partaker of the divine love that makes and sustains all of creation. Judas is an example of a man who loved passing things instead of God; he loved money, power, influence, and his own skin—all of which betrayed him when he died. Judas' betrayal of Christ is the most egregiously treacherous act in human history. But do we understand why he did it? Do we understand the nature of his betrayal? We must understand if we are to see this temptation heading our way. Judas' treason was rooted in his worship of the things of this world. He was an idolater. He became the thing he worshiped. And died in its service.

I don't mean to suggest here that Judas was transformed into a lump of silver. Money is simply a way to evaluate the relative value of things in order to make commercial exchanges more convenient. We use phrases like “he sold his soul for a drink” as a way of saying “he committed murder in order to get the money to feed his addiction.” Now, think in more spiritual terms. Judas sold Christ to the temple for 30 silver coins. To be more precise, he sold the temple information on Christ's whereabouts. But in doing so, he sold his soul for that bag of coins. Why did he do it? Judas served a lesser god while pretending to serve our Lord. He worshiped at the Altar of Temporary Things. We could call it avarice or lust for power but it amounts to the same thing: he did not love the Lord; instead, he loved his possessions and he wanted more. To satisfy his god, he sacrificed his friend and teacher. And, in the end, his god made good on its promise—Judas himself became merely a means for exchanging one thing for another. His coins bought him a hanging suicide and a name forever linked to the betrayal of one's friends. For all his infamy in our history, Judas was just a man, an ordinary man tempted to the limits of his willingness to love.

This week—especially the next three days—we delve into the darkest moments of our faith, and the limits of our willingness to love are tested. No one is going to offer us 30 silver coins for information on the whereabouts of the Lord. Nothing so spectacular as that. Our tests will be smaller, more precise, and much, much sharper. Will we fail to speak up in defense of the faith at a party? Will we deny being a follower of Christ at work? Will we secretly give our time and money to causes that undermine the Church? Will we teach theological and moral error to the children in our care? Will we fail to forgive, to love, and to hope each time the chance arises? Will we pray for those who hate us? No one will ask us to stab our Lord in the heart. However, we will asked to give him a nick here and there, nothing too big, nothing too dangerous. But one little nick from each of us here will add up to a very large, very deadly slice. Watch for the temptation to betray your Lord, listen for that jingling bag of coins, and remember the prophet Isiah: “The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced; I have set my face like flint. . .the Lord God is my help; who will prove me wrong?” 
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My prayers books. . .

Just wanted to plug my prayer books!

Treasure Old & New:  Traditional Prayers for Today's Catholics

Treasures Holy & Mystical:   A Devotional Journey for Today's Catholics 

Beatitudes & Beads:  Rosary Meditations on Blessedness

The first two books contain original litanies, novenas, and prayers written in a traditional format but addressing more contemporary issues and needs.   The second book contains an original rosary based on the Sermon on the Mount.

The third is booklet-sized version of the Beatitude Rosary that appears in the second book.  This booklet is also available in Spanish.

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02 April 2012

Monday Fat Report

Almost forgot the Monday Fat Report!

327lbs.  Nothing lost, nothing gained.

Gotta lose a little before Good Friday. . .those prostrations before the Cross ain't gonna do themselves.

P.S.  Doh.  I just noticed that last week was 328lbs.  So, I lost one!  :-)

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End of an era. . .

Keep Scuba Mom in your prayers!  Today is the first day of her retirement.  She's worked at the same bank for 30 yrs. 

Also, keep Pop in your prayers as well. . .he's responsible for entertaining her.  Good luck with that, Pop!

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01 April 2012

A vespers homily

A Vespers homily from fra. Thomas More Barba, OP, student friar of the Southern Dominican Province. . .

fra. Thomas is preaching in the chapel of the new studium priory in St. Louis.

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Coffee Cup Browsing

On an Army base in Afghanistan:  a cross is offensive. . .but a rainbow flag is just fine.

Plane makes emergency landing b/c two kids refuse to buckle seat belts. . .apparently, their parents were with them!  Give them a few years and they'll "Occupying" something with all the other brats.

". . .the nearly impenetrable parochialism of American liberals."  They are shocked that someone, anyone could disagree with them.  Make that "American liberal Catholics" and this article describes the contemporary Church perfectly.

Heh.  The MSM is shrieking about the ideological prejudices of the five conservative Justices who ripped into ObamaCare this week.  No mention of the ideological prejudices of the liberal Justices who had to make B.O.'s argument for him from the bench.

Devious, dishonest, creepy. . .she forgot amateurish.

NBC caught red-handed editing the 911 call from Zimmerman.  Read the transcript of the actual call and you will understand why our media are the least trusted of America's professionals.

Catholic biblical interpretation. . .excellent article for Easter studies!

Conservatives understand liberals. . .liberals do not (cannot?) understand conservatives.  The consequences of self-righteousness?
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Choose wisely who you will be this week. . .

Palm Sunday (Year B)
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
St. Dominic Church, NOLA

The King has arrived in Jerusalem! We shouted his name. We sang “Hosanna, hosanna in the highest!” We waved our palm branches, welcoming him among us. Then, we read aloud his Jerusalem Story. He's anointed in the house of a leper. He's sold as a fugitive to his enemies by Judas. He celebrates the Passover feast with his friends. He gives us the bread of life and the chalice of salvation, his Body and Blood. He is abandoned by his friends in the Garden of Gethsemane. Denied three times by Peter and betrayed by Judas. He is tried by Pilate, convicted by the crowd, scourged by legionaries, herded to the Place of the Skull, and nailed to a cross. To die for us in our sins. The question of Holy Week, the challenge set for us is this: how far do you follow him? Are you the woman from Bethany? Peter? Judas? Pilate? Are you in the faceless crowd? A Roman solider? Or, are you Mary, his mother at the foot of the Cross? John, his beloved disciple? Are you the Good Thief? Who you choose to be this week determines who you will become Easter morning. Choose wisely, choose Wisdom!

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31 March 2012

A 1st Century Scapegoat No More

5th Week of Lent (S)
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
St. Dominic Church, NOLA

Once attained, power—political, religious, financial—is very difficult to give up. There's something about the ability to impose one's will on people and events that's highly addictive, even corrosive to one's capacity to hear the truth. Caiaphas is a good example. He served as High Priest of the temple in Jerusalem for eighteen years, an unusually long term for the office. Caiaphas must have been an excellent politician. His nation was ruled by a foreign military power, the Roman Empire. His people were sharply divided into competing regional and religious factions, some of whom were militant nationalists and terrorists. His life was made even more difficult by this itinerant preacher who went around healing unclean outcasts; cavorting with tax-collectors and prostitutes; crashing bible studies in synagogues; and worst of all, publicly proclaiming his own divinity. The scribes and the Pharisees had reported that this country-bumpkin preacher only had a small group of devout followers, but he was also drawing big crowds and talking about the destruction of the temple. When he raised a man from the dead, Caiaphas had had enough. The threat had to be eliminated. Powerful people do not easily tolerate competition or opposition. The Way, the Truth, and the Life does more than compete and oppose—he wins. Always has, always will. 

We might have some sympathy for Caiaphas and his allies. There's no doubt that they are in an untenable bind. They govern a subjected nation and rule only b/c their conquerors allow them to. If they can't suppress the religious and political zeal of their own people, the Romans will do it for them. The Sanhedrin had long hoped to bring all the people of Israel back to their Promised Land. To do this, they need a lure, a draw; they need an intact temple and functioning priesthood. The last thing they need is some street preacher stirring up more trouble. That he appears to be who he said he is only makes their situation more dangerous. Raising Lazarus from the dead proves to be the one competitive stunt, one oppositional act that they cannot let slide. Caiaphas prophesies that the death of one man will save his people. He's right, of course, but not in a way that he can ever imagine. We can be sympathetic to his situation, but his religious and political power render him unable to hear the truth; he is both deaf and blind to the righteous Way that Jesus forges for the people of God.

Caiaphas' position as an the supreme Jewish authority in his nation prevents him for seeing who it is that he is plotting against. Deaf and blind to the Word, he sees a future for his people in the death of one man. I wonder if we share his vision. I mean, do we see a future for our people, the People of God, in the death of just one man? Caiaphas sees a scapegoat to appease the Romans. What do we see? Tomorrow, the final leg of our journey to Jerusalem begins. We walk into the crowds behind Jesus. They cheer; they call his name. They wave palm branches and welcome him as a king, shouting, “Hosanna!” We know where our king ends the journey, and we know where he finally ends and how he gets there. Our eyes and ears are wide open. But what do we hear in the cheering? What do we see in the clamoring crowds? Do they understand what we does for them? Do we? The temple of his body is destroyed on a Roman cross. And God's people are saved. Not from the Romans, or the Venetians, or the Ottomans, or the Nazis. They (and we) are saved from the corrupting power of sin. We are a graced nation won on a cross.


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30 March 2012

R.I.P. to a Pro-Life Icon

Fr. Matt Robinson, OP died in Irving, TX  last night.  He fell last week and broke his hip.  Our provincial reports that he died in hospice care with the prior and sub-prior of his convent singing the "Salve."

Fr. Matt is a Pro-Life icon in Texas.  He encouraged Norma McCorvey ("Roe" in Roe v. Wade) into the Church.  Served as chaplain for several pro-life groups.  Operated a website.  

At nearly 98 y.o., Matt could rattle off Aquinas' Five Ways in Latin; tell you why science and faith can never be in conflict; fix your alarm clock while hearing your confession; and prepare, deliver, and defend a eight-week series of homilies on why the Mass is a true sacrifice!

He was a dynamo!  And he will be sorely, sorely missed. . .


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28 March 2012

Making & Maintaining Room for Christ

5th Week of Lent (W)
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
St. Dominic Church, NOLA

In our readings for most of last week and all of this week (so far), Jesus shocks and outrages the religious believers of his day with increasingly ridiculous revelations about his true nature. He starts by claiming the authority to heal the sick by forgiving sins. He goes on to reveal that he is the Son of God. Then, yesterday, he makes his most blasphemous revelation, “. . .if you do not believe that I AM, you will die in your sins.” In other words, if you do not accept me as the Lord your God, you will die unforgiven. For the Pharisees, this is more than mere heresy, more than blasphemy—it's suicidal insanity! Surely, this man Jesus is demonically possessed or dangerously brain-damaged or both. And just in case the Pharisees aren't outraged enough, just in case they aren't already prepared to tear him limb from limb, today, Jesus throws a truckload of gasoline on the roaring fire, “. . .you are trying to kill me, because my word has no room among you.” Why is this so inflammatory? Our Lord is accusing his accusers of being the ones in rebellion against their God! Jesus' string of gobsmacking revelations raises an essential question for us: is there room among us for his word? If not, how do we make room?

Before we can answer these questions, we need to understand what “making room for his word” means. We've all heard—ad. nau—pastoral admonitions about “clearing out the clutter of our lives” during Lent. We've heard the demands for more silence, more contemplation, less work, less worry. There's no doubt that Lent provides us with the spiritual reasons and necessary excuses to slow down and pay attention to our personal and ecclesial relationships with God. But Jesus accusation here—there's no room in you for my word—is substantially more serious than a teacherly finger-wagging about the need to calm our busy lives. If I say to you, “Here's a 45ft. statue of the Sacred Heart for your house. . .”; or “Here's a pet elephant for your kids;” you would probably say, “Um, thanks, Father, but we don't have room for that.” You mean, “We have no place to properly store, properly house such a thing.” When Jesus accuses the Pharisees of having no room for his word, he means that they are completely unprepared to store, to house, to live with, to thrive in his teachings; they are unable and unwilling to build room into their lives, or renovate their lives so that his word can take up residence in them. Therefore, they will die in their sins.

At the moment of our baptism a room is built for us. Our parents, our godparents, the Church all pitch in and construct an indestructible room for us to store Christ's word. The room is permanent, but who lives in our room is a decision each of us makes day to day, hour by hour. If Christ's word is not in residence, something or someone else is. How do we make sure that we are keeping Christ and his word thriving in our room? There's no magic here. . .just the hard work of virtue, the good habit of trusting in God's promises; loving Him by loving each other; by seeing in the people we meet everyday a daily revelation of God's truth, goodness, and beauty; by sacrificing for the poor, the oppressed, the sick, the lonely, and the helpless; defying sin by forgiving those who sin against us; by wantonly throwing ourselves on the mercy of God and receiving every blessing He has to give us. With this kind of busyness, we keep our indestructible room filled to the ceiling with the Word of Christ. "If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

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Coffee Cup Browsing

Great news!  It looks like 7 of the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court aren't buying B.O.'s assertion that the individual mandate is a tax. . .meaning Congress has no authority to impose it.   Of course, guessing SC votes is like reading tea leaves.

Did B.O.'s lawyer take a dive yesterday?  ObamaCare is wildly unpopular.  Having it struck down by the SC would save him from having to defend it before the Nov elections. 

Mark your calendar. . .politician caught telling the truth.  His mic was on and he didn't know it.

I'm looking forward to performing this rite

When every other argument/plea/threat fails, throw the Safety Card.  I did this a few times when I worked in the psych hospital.  Sometimes it was the only move left after being slapped down.  The bosses don't like workers documenting a "safety issue."

A bunch of self-anointed Brights use their superior intellects to mock religious belief.  This reads like the puffed-up rantings of a adolescent brat.  There are good atheists out there.  The Church needs them b/c they keep us sharp, e.g. Kai Neilson.  Why is Islam never an atheist target?

Race-baiter endangers the lives of a elderly FL couple.  In the old days, they'd call this a "lynching."

Oh, those Inconvenient Narratives. . .they are always messing up a perfectly good fairy tale!

The Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite finally reintroduced in England.  Sorry, but that miter is too much. . .

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27 March 2012

Sisters supporting our bishops. . .

To any young women out there considering a religious vocation:

Many congregations of women religious women in the U.S. have publicly expressed their support for our bishops and their fight against B.O.'s violation of our religious liberty.

Many congregations of women religious women in the U.S. have thrown their support behind B.O. and his plan to force us to fund the mortal sin of others, providing him with "Catholic cover" for his power grab.  The LCWR has issued a statement lauding the contraception mandate.

If you are looking around for a congregation to join, may I suggest you consider one of these:

Religious Sisters Speak Out (link)

At press time, 22 orders of women religious who have posted on their websites statements supporting the bishops’ position against the HHS mandate:

Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia
Little Sisters of the Poor
Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist
Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, IHM Province
Sisters of Life
Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirm
Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles
Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Mich.
Daughters of the Immaculata
Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus, Central Province
Congregation of the Divine Spirit
The Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, N.Y.
Franciscan Daughters of Mary, Covington, Ky.
School Sisters of St. Francis, Panhandle, Texas
Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick, Kansas City, Kan.
Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist, Independence, Mo.
Sisters of the Resurrection, Castleton, N.Y.
School Sisters of Christ the King, Lincoln, Neb.
Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen, Immaculate Heart of Mary Province, Hankinson, N.D.
Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, Baltic, Conn.
Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace, Port Sanilac, Mich. 

It goes w/o saying that there is more to selecting a congregation to join than assessing their position on one political issue.  However, if a congregation is openly undermining our bishops on this fundamental issue, well, that's a pretty good sign that the sisters have seriously lost their way.

Why join an order that pretends to be an alternative magisterium

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Monday Fat Report (Octave)

It's +1 this week. . .ah well.  Up to 328lbs.

It could be much worse, I guess!

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Blog-begging for our OP novices and students. . .

I haven't done any blog-begging in quite a while, so here goes:  The Province of St. Martin de Porres is in the midst of its annual 1216 Campaign. . .

This is our major fundraising (i.e., mendicant, begging) event of the year.  Since Katrina our fundraising base here in the Nawlins' area has diminished considerably, so we are reaching out well beyond the local church.

The money we raise during the 1216 Campaign provides a huge portion of what we need to form our novices in Irving, TX and educate our students in St. Louis.

Since 1980, our OP students have been attending Aquinas Institute in St. Louis.  This is a collaborative studium with the Province of St. Albert the Great (Chicago).  Our students have been living in Jesuit Hall (!) on the campus of St. Louis University.  

In December of 2011, this living arrangement changed rather dramatically.  Our students moved into their own place.  We renovated a convent nearby and gave our students a place of their own.

You can see the new St Dominic Priory here.  The student brothers no longer pray in the basement of Jesuit Hall!  The young friars are particularly excited about the new choir stalls installed just a few days ago.

Formation costs for the novitiate and studium eat up a large portion of our annual budget.  So, we need help!  We need your help.  

If we are to provide the Church in the 21st century will well-educated, faithful, dynamic preachers, we need the support of those who have benefited from the preaching ministry of the Order.

If you have benefited from our ministry or long to see Catholic preaching and teaching thrive, please donate to our campaign.

Or send a check to: 

Southern Dominican Province
1421 N. Causeway Blvd.
Ste 200
Metairie, LA   70001


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Retreat report

Beautiful day yesterday in NOLA area!  Sunny, cool.  

The retreat with the Mt Carmel Academy faculty was a lot of fun.  Good food, good company, great facilities--Solomon Retreat Center in Robert, LA.  No one threw a book at me, so my part of the gig was (at least) not offensive, or not offensive enough to throw a book.

We covered:  reasons for the new translation, the Mass parts, nature of the homily, theology of offering and sacrifice. . .lots of fun.

Yesterday was the first time I've been across the Pontchartrain Bridge since I was about 11 y.o.  My family moved from Belle Chase to Slidell, and I vaguely remember us driving over the bridge.  It's not as scary some 35 yrs. later.

Off today!  See y'all tomorrow.

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26 March 2012

Retreat Day

Headed across The Lake this morning to give a retreat to the faculty of Mt. Carmel Academy.

We'll be reading/discussing the Mass. . .line by line.  My fav retreat topic!

Fr. Philip, OP

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Coffee Cup Browsing

Welfare State + Contraception = Demographic/Financial Collapse. . ."Surely, this is the ultimate expression of the suicide cult that is the modern Left. . ."

EU Court:  same-sex "marriage" is not a right; however, if SSM is legalized, churches must comply

Like teenie-boppers squealing for the Beatles, EU Nannies welcomed the 2008 election results.  Now, not so much.  I believe the appropriate term is "Rubes."

Jesuit owned America Magazine once again beclowns itself by attacking the bishops' support for religious liberty.  Wonder what they will spend their 30 pieces of silver on?

A predictably dismissive NPR piece on last Friday's Religious Freedom Rally.  NB.  the use of polling to minimize Christian concerns and condescending labels for participants.

Atheists rally in D.C. to show support for non-religious liberty.  Good for them.  The Constitutional right to practice one's religion includes the right to practice no religion at all.  Now, will these folks stand up for our rights when the time comes?  The rational ones will.  Dawkins?  Not so much.

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24 March 2012

No Cross, no Throne. . .

NB.  I wrote this homily three years ago while living in Rome.  Since the community Mass on Sunday in the convent was celebrated in Italian, I never got to preach it.  So, I thought I'd give it a hearing this weekend.

Fifth Sunday of Lent (2012)
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
St. Dominic Church, NOLA

Jesus is troubled. What should he say? “Father, save me from this hour” or “Father, glorify your name”? He chooses to glorify God’s name. Why? He says, “…it was for this purpose [to glorify God’s name] that I came to this hour.” By glorifying God’s name he fulfills his purpose. Does this glorification of God’s name accomplish any vital tasks other than praising the Father? Yes. Jesus says to the crowd at that time of judgment, “. . .the ruler of this world will be driven out. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself." What Jesus says and does is the mechanism of our salvation; his word and deed makes us sons of the Father. What does he say? “Father, glorify your name.” What does he do? He dies. And then he rises from death to take us with him. So, why is Jesus troubled? To rise with him, we must die with him and our deaths must be in service to him. We cannot hope to escape the betrayal of Judas, the passion in Jerusalem, the nails and wood of the cross, and then expect to be part of a glorious Easter harvest. If we will follow Jesus up from the earth, we must follow him on the earth. This is what troubles our Lord: “. . .unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” To rise, we must fall; to produce much fruit, we must die.

So, are you ready to die? I mean, are you ready to follow Christ and produce the fruit he produced by dying on the cross? Most of us hope to avoid the kind of death that Christ died. And most of us will. At least in the particulars. Few of us will be scourged. Or force-marched to a burning landfill and nailed to a cross. Few of us will be subjected to public ridicule and executed to spare the nation the wrath of its foreign military governors. Few of us will be accused of blasphemy, religious sedition. If we are killed for the faith, it will be incrementally. Slowly. Almost invisibly. The proverbial frog boiled by degrees of increasing heat. The Enemy’s strategy this time around is far more subtle. More understated and restrained. This time we will be accused of hating ourselves, our neighbors, and our God; we will be accused of standing against truths the science and progress, against the beauty of Mother Earth, against the innate goodness of our human nature. This time, we will be charged with being inhumane, intolerant, uncompromising, divisive, and ignorant. And like all the other times, we will die. . .for preaching the simple truth of the gospel.

God’s will be done; therefore, we are troubled. So, what do we say: “Father, save us from this hour” or “Father, glorify your name”? We could ask our Lord to save us from this hour. We could. But why should we? Can we honestly claim we didn’t know what was in store for us? Can we look God in the eye and say, “Hey, this wasn’t in the brochure!”? “No one every said anything about suffering for the faith!” No, that would be a lie. If you know what it means to be baptized into his death, then you know what it means to be resurrected into his life. If you will rise, you will die. Why would you beg God to save you from the very thing you signed on for? Yes, we were promised a garden. . .and we will have it! Look for the path marked “Gethsemane.” Ask yourself: why do I deserve a better life and death than Christ? You might say, “Didn’t Christ die so we wouldn’t have to?” No, he didn't. No, he died so that we might have eternal life and have it most abundantly! That path—the Way to an abundant life, an eternal life—cuts straight up and through Gethsemane. And there is no escalator, no detour.

No detour, for sure. But there is hope; and here it is: “…when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself." Though we may understandably fear the death we have signed up for, part and parcel of that death is the promise—the guarantee—the death is not the end; that is, death is not our end, our purpose. We were not created to die. We do not live to die. Though our bodies fail us, and we cease to live, we do not stop being exactly who God made and remade us to Be. In fact, in Christ, we are made perfectly who were first made to be. And only in Christ—perfect God, perfect Man—can we be perfectly who we are made to be for all time. When Christ dies on the cross, humanity dies with him. When Christ rises from the tomb—dead for three days, three nights—humanity rises with him. If you and I will be among those who rise with Christ, we must be among those who die with Christ. As Christ himself teaches us: “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be.” If you read any detours in that sentence, you might need to get your eyes checked.

Whose path do you follow? Where are you on that path? Which Way do you go? You, like every man and woman ever created, will be offered, at some point, a bag of thirty silver coins. The Powers of this world want one thing for this price: a simple, easy accommodation, a compromise; an answer from one who has chosen to follow the Way of Truth and Life—“So that the many may avoid persecution or pain or inconvenience or anxiety, tell us what we want to hear; tell us that this Christ is a fraud, a myth; tell us that his good news is simply one message among many equally valuable spiritual options; tell us that we do not have to suffer the Cross and die in order to rise again; tell us that we can make our own lifestyles choices and still have eternal! Tell us, Christian, that God loves us just the way we are and doesn't want us to change.” At this moment, staring down at thirty pieces of silver, who are you? Where are you and where do you hope to end?

Before you answer. . .before you commit. . .hear again: “[Jesus] learned obedience from what he suffered; and when he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.” If you will learn, if we will be saved. . .we will first suffer—maybe physically, maybe emotionally, maybe socially or spiritually. But we will suffer, and when we suffer for the sake of Christ's name, we obey his commandment to love. He loved us all the way through his Passion, all the way through the garbage of Gehenna, and on to the Cross. Like Christ, to rise, we must fall; to produce much fruit, we must first die.

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The Nawlins' Rally for Religious Freedom

The thunderstorms that rolled through Nawlins' on Thursday night fled Friday morning at the sight of about 300-350 religious believers (mostly Catholics) meeting in front of the Federal Building on Camp St.  

We had our signs.

We had petitions.

We had priests, religious, seminarians, lots of Pro-Life lay folks.

We had moms with babies.  Teens, dads, grandma's and grandpa's.

We had a large group of students from a couple of Catholic schools.

We even had one of the original framers of the Constitution give us a short history lesson!

Most of the people driving by honked horns and gave us the Thumbs Up.  A few shouted obscenities.

As expected, no media.  

Yours truly flubbed his own admonition to take pics.  I'd let the battery die.  After I got home, I remembered that my fancy-pantsy phone can take pics.  Oy. Poet-theologians are not tech-savvy.

When we left the rally, the group was praying the rosary.  

How did the rally turn out in your neck of the woods?

Update:  The Anchoress has some pics from all over, including links to more pics.  Doing the job the media won't do.

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23 March 2012

Media Watch

The MSM will send two dozen reporters and cameramen to cover the adolescent antics of four OccuTards in Peoria. . .but they completely ignore 300,000 Pro-Life marchers in B.O. backyard.

I expect today's Stand Up Rally for Religious Freedom will either be ignored completely or portrayed as some sort of clergy led astroturf against the administration.  

Let's keep a watch on the MSM!  Take pics, vids during the rallies, and watch your local news and papers.  When they pull their usual deceptive nonsense, call them on it immediately.  We already know most "journalists" are little more than pipelines from the White House to the public.  Don't let them get away with any anti-religious

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