01 March 2013

Standing on the Cornerstone

2nd Week of Lent (F)
Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP
Our Lady of the Rosary, NOLA

Here's a sentence no servant of God ever wants to hear: “. . .the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.” What's worse than living your life as an heir to eternal life only to discover that—in the end—you've been disinherited? When Jesus finishes telling the priests and elders the parable of the tenants, he quotes Ps 118, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” By rejecting Christ as the cornerstone of their relationship with God, the leaders of God's people reject their inheritance. Their reaction to this prophetic statement? They ain't happy. However, they are more afraid than unhappy—afraid of Jesus' popularity, so they postpone arresting him. They're not worried about losing their eternal inheritance. They're worried about losing their power and prestige among the people. When we think about the demands of following Christ, do we think first of our eternal inheritance, or do we first consider how following him might look to family, friends, neighbors? 

The parable of the tenants retells the history of the Jewish people's stormy relationship with God. We know the story all too well. It tells just like the history of the Church's relationship with God. Lots of disobedience and great moments of heroic virtue. What the parable doesn't include is an explanation for our repeated failures. We can hear greed in the tenants' justification for killing the owner's son. But greed never poisons alone. We can hear a little wrath in the tenants' desire to wound their employer. Some pride and class envy. Why do the priests and elders reject Christ? Why do we so consistently reject making Christ the cornerstone of our lives. Making Christ the cornerstone of our everyday lives means risking one of our most valuable treasures: being a respected player in whatever social game that defines us. Family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, neighbors, fellow parishioners. If I make Christ my cornerstone, will I have buck trends, go against the prevailing attitudes of my peers, and risk losing real prestige for nothing more than a promise of future glory? 

Social psychologists will tell you that there is almost nothing more difficult for an individual to do than go against the crowd. The psychology of the herd is infectious; it takes the single soul into a massed spirit where deliberation and freedom are strangled for the sake of frenzy. But few of us will ever be caught up in that sort of mob. The mobs we belong to are much more subtle and more dangerous: the workplace, the family reunion, movie night with friends, faculty meetings, events where those whose opinions of us we honor gather to socialize and strengthen the bonds of the group. When the opportunity arises, do we choose Christ as our cornerstone; or do we choose our standing in the group? When family, friends, co-workers express their support for the culture of death, do you stand on Christ; or do you back down to save face? When your peers start advocate undermining marriage and the family; or expressing racist opinions; or defaming the Church, do you stand on Christ, or back down? If Christ is to be your cornerstone, then everything you are must find its integrity and strength in Christ, regardless of the consequences. As baptized prophets of the Church, you are sent out to live the truth of the gospel. Even if and especially when it means your prestige must take a beating. When the time comes “remember the marvelous works of the Lord,” most especially the marvelous work of your salvation achieved on the altar of the Cross. 

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  1. "...do we think first of our eternal inheritance, or do we first consider how following him might look...?" I'm a work in progress on this - but usually it is not so much how I might look as to whether or not I have the gumption that day to stand up for what I believe.

    "...risking one of our most valuable treasures...for nothing more than a promise of future glory?" Nothing more than that? I am learning, slowly granted, that there is nothing more precious than "future glory". I've almost always been considered an odd-ball, unusual, not fitting in with the crowd - fitting in is not something I crave much anymore. What is challenging for me in speaking against prevailing attitudes is not what people will think, but that I will have to dig down inside and TRUST. Trust enough to get over the fear of speaking my mind and my faith - of course, from whence does that fear come?

    "...do we choose Christ ...?" Always a good question, always THE question. Especially considering "...everything you are must find its integrity and strength in Christ, regardless of the consequences." Finding that integrity/strength, realizing it is there, tapping into it makes taking a stand that much easier. Knowing that no matter what, He has my back - I am always loved. When I can remember that, which is not always an easy task for me, then speaking out is easier to do. My voice may shake, my heart may pound, but when I am focused on Him and on that unity for which I long, then I can...do whatever it is I am called to do.

    Thank you. Sorry my comment is so long, but for me, this homily was thought-provoking and inspired me to "keep on keeping on." Much appreciated.

    1. 'for nothing more than a promise of future glory?" Nothing more than that? I am learning, slowly granted, that there is nothing more precious than "future glory".'

      My guess: We don't really ken "glory" nowadays. We don't know what it is, or what it means, so no surprise if we can't rightly judge its value.

    2. "there is nothing more precious than 'future glory'." Exactly. You read it correctly. When confronted with the choice to stand on the cornerstone of Christ or step down, "future glory" seems a little too far far, doesn't it?
