04 April 2009

Conscience for me but not for thee

Obama Catholics in the Democratic Party continue to work hard to "reduce the number of abortions" by making them moral, legal, free, and now. . .mandatory! Mandatory for doctors to perform them, that is.

Washington D.C., Apr 3, 2009 / 09:13 pm (CNA).- Yesterday, a majority of Catholic Senators rejected a conscience protection law proposed by Senator Tom Colburn that would protect health care workers who object to abortions from participating in the procedure.

Conscience protection has become a topic of debate after President Obama announced that he was reviewing the law and could possible eliminate it. Colburn’s amendment states, "To protect the freedom of conscience for patients and the right of health care providers to serve patients without violating their moral and religious convictions."

The amendment was voted down by a margin of 41-56, in which a majority of Catholic Senators voted against the amendment 9-16. The failure to pass this legislation now leaves the door open for the Obama Administration to rescind the law by executive order and force health workers to compromise their moral convictions.

[. . .]

Yet, 16 Catholic Senators still voted against the protection of these "human rights" including: Begich (D-AK), Dodd (D-CT), Kaufman (D-CT), Durbin (D-IL), Harkin (D-IA), Landrieu (D- LA), Collins (R-ME), Mikulski (D-MD), Kerry (D-MA), McCaskill (D-MO), Menendez (D-NJ), Gillibrand (D-NY), Reed (D-RI), Leahy (D-VT), Cantwell (D-WA), Murray (D-WA).

The nine Catholic Senators that voted for the amendment were; Murkowski (R-AK), Martinez (R-FL), Risch (R-ID), Brownback (R-KS), Bunning (R-KY), Vitter (R-LA), Johanns(R-NE), Voinovich (R-OH), and Casey (D-PA).

So, all that business we are constantly hearing from dissenting Catholics about "conscience" being the only rule and reason for every moral act only applies to those who agree with their politics. . .disagree with their politics "in conscience" and you are S.O.L.

Obama's upcoming revocation of the conscience clauses that protect health care workers from performing abortions is nothing more than a move against Catholic health-care. The abortion ideologues in his administration hate the idea that there are hospitals and doctors out there who do not bow before Moloch.

For you Catholics out there who voted for this moral monster, I have a question for you: any buyer's remorse yet?

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  1. As someone who is hoping to be an obstetrician/gynaecologist when she is older...this complicates things. I'm looking forward to jail. Or whatever it is that happens when we protect the innocent.

  2. Catherine,

    Let me know when you end up in the pokey...I'll be your chaplain!

  3. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I wrote to my senator, Bob Casey, about this issue. On this one issue, he is really pro-life--or at least pro-conscience. He recommended that I send an e-mail to the HHS department at this address: proposedrecission@hhs.gov
    Comments are being accepted until April 9.

  4. templariidvm1:06 PM

    Both Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray represent the area in which I live (they represent me on almost NO issues!) and both have been staunchly pro-abortion. Their replies to my letters were never such that I had even suspected that they considered themselves Catholic (as opposed to BEING Catholic). Our Archbishop has made clear the position which a Catholic must take in these matters. Maybe they need a sit-down with the Archbishop?? I know Pelosi is still waiting to have her meeting with her bishop.

    Prayer, letters and voting . . .
