12 April 2009

More info than you can shake a rosary at...

While waiting for my first bowl of coffee to kick in, I compiled these links to useful info for Catholics. Enjoy!

Basic overview of Catholic teaching for Catholics, new Catholics, and returning Catholics

Church documents on the liturgy

Bible translations, original biblical language dictionaries, canon law texts

Tons of Catholic info regularly undated (recent papal appts., documents, liturgical calendar)

HUGE site linking all things Catholic

Info on Eastern Rite Churches in communion with the Holy Father

Articles about the "Latin Mass," i.e. the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite

What's wrong about liberalism

Huge list of novenas. . .if you pray one of these, don't forget your fav Dominican!

And let's not forget my favorite Dominican website. . .


  1. THAT! was clever...
    :D !

    (Many thanks for the references.)

  2. Father, thank you for those links. I am looking forward to reading that piece about liberalism. One of my favorite books is "Slouching Towards Gommorah" by Robert Bork. It is simply a brilliant study of the rise of liberalism in our country.

    BTW, I had been in the process of obtaining an annulment from my husband's previous marriage for a year (so my marriage could be convalidated) and the annulment came through a few weeks ago. My marriage was blessed and I received the Holy Eucharist yesterday for the first time in a year! I had a revelation about the Eucharist, which I'll share later on my blog.

    I love your thoughts and will be in prayer for your book. I hope you had a very blessed Easter. :-)

  3. Thank you so much, Father! You're very generous in sharing all those information. God rewards you :-)

  4. Sharon3:12 AM

    Father, thank you for providing all that information. I look forward to browsing the sites over a cup of coffee.

  5. Excellent set of resources. Thank you, Father.
