22 January 2008

Help us supplement suppl(e)mental!

A note on the Postmetaphysical theologies seminar and our seminar's blog, suppl(e)mental. . .

I received a request yesterday from a reader who wants to "tag along" with the seminar using the blog as his "classroom."

This sort of participation is not only welcomed but encouraged! Perhaps the most dramatic feature of contemporary Christian theology is its public nature. We "do theology" these days in public. . .as a public service.

Please read along, comment, argue, etc. as we make our way through these difficult readings.

My only caveat: I will not tolerate unprofessional language from anyone. Blog-style discourse is often rancorous and personal. I should know being guilty of it myself. Suppl(e)mental, however, is not a "red-meat" blog for theological fights. Keep it intelligent, clean, and truly inquisitive, and all will be well.


Fr. Philip, OP

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:04 AM

    I received a request yesterday from a reader who wants to "tag along" with the seminar using the blog as his "classroom."
    This sort or participation is not only welcome but encouraged

    Did you ever stop to consider that someone taking you up on that offer (me, for instance) might be an annoying idiot?
