03 March 2012

Coffee Bowl Browsing

Rally for Religious Freedom:  March 23rd!  Any plans in your area?  Will you attend? 

Massive lies about the HHS violation of our religious liberty.  NB:  do not surrender the terms of the argument by referring to this controversy as "a fight over contraception."  That's what B.O. wants you to do. 

Speaking of massive lies about the mandate, here's one of the biggest:  opponents of the mandate want to ban contraception.  Now, tell me this whole controversy wasn't staged for short-term political gain.

The Catholic Senators who voted against our religious liberty.  One of my Senators voted against the Blunt Amendment:  Mary Landrieu.

It's looking more and more like that Denial of Communion in Maryland was a set up.  At the very least, the woman involved is spinning the story to politically embarrass the priest and the Church. 

We used to have a dog that would ball up all of our area rugs when we left her alone.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    NB: do not surrender the terms of the argument by referring to this controversy as "a fight over contraception." That's what B.O. wants you to do.

    Which is exactly what Rush did by pouncing on the Fluke-baited trap laid by Obama and Pelosi. He is paying a heavy price, and so are the rest of us.

