21 July 2009

Generosity & Humility

As I proceed along the difficult path toward completing my thesis in philosophy of science and religion, I am--as always--deeply grateful to my Book Benefactors for their support.

Recent activity on the WISH LIST keeps me humble in the face of such generosity!

Many, many thanks. . .I will offer tomorrow's Mass for the intentions of those who have been so kind in sending me these much-needed books.

Fr. Philip, OP


  1. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Father, can I suggest you add Amazon Gift Cards to your Wish List? Then those of us who might not be able to afford purchasing a book but who could afford to add $5 or $10 as we do back-to-school shopping would be able to support you!

  2. Anon,

    Thanks for the suggestion...I've added the gift card option.
