21 April 2008

Coverage of BXVI

Excellent coverage of the M.S.M's anti-Catholic bigotry over at NewsBusters.

One of the most common tactics of the Catholic-haters is to set these ridiculous "mile markers" for Church progress (women's ordination, allowing birth control, etc.) and then blasting the Church as "medieval" when the Holy Father fails to deliver on their pre-packaged lefty agenda.

What's vastly amusing, of course, is that most of the people fabricating these agenda items aren't Catholic, or are "former Catholics," i.e. Catholics who are angry at the Church for calling their favorite sin a Sin. That there are Wolves in Sheep Clothing out there (McBrien, Chittister, ad nau) only adds to the structural stability of the media illusion that Catholics are a bunch of Leftist Zealots barely restrained in their social engineering fervor by paper-thin documents from the Vatican.

Frankly, our Holy Father is extraordinarily impressive: brilliant thinker, excellent writer, a fine gentleman and statesman, and (to quote my students) an "Awesome Pope, dude!"

On the other hand, the media folks strike me as pinched, mean-spirited, ideologically driven, wholly untrustworthy, mostly uneducated despite their Ivy League degrees, and just plain hateful at times.

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