In 1998, Francis Cardinal George stunned a congregation at Old St. Patrick's with this line delivered in his homily: "Liberal Catholicism is an exhausted project." Later, he was asked to elaborate and did so at a Commmonweal forum held at Loyola University in 1999.
An except from his elaboration:
What started as a much-needed critical review of Church doctrine and practice in the late 19th century, peaked in the documents of Vatican Two, and found its most strident voices in the 70's and 80's has become the sterilizing practice of postmodern dissent and heresy. The "necessary critique" of manual Thomism and semi-Janenist moral practice in the Church is indeed now "parasitical."
Just as deconstruction demolished the absurd pretenses of liberal western culture and literature with its relentless attack on language, and now sits like a bloated toad on the university quad poisoning everything in its reach, the Spirit of Vatican Two refreshed a moribund institutional Church only to find itself haunting a decimated and demoralized body of believers.
Lest we think the cure is nostalgia, Cardinal George quickly adds:
We cannot rebuild the Church if the only vision of the Church we can see and communicate is the Church as it was in the 1800's. The liberal project (exemplified by Newman) pushed the Church to engage the world in terms foreign to its basic philosophical foundations. In taking on this challenge, the Church gained an incredibly fruitful means of evangelization that saw amazing results in the decades leading up to the Second Vatican Council.
Then, like most good things, one good thing was taken to be the only thing and aggressive, unrelenting critique became the mark of being a Catholic intellectual. Left aside were the pesky admonitions of tradition, ecclesial authority, reason, and just plain good sense. The only thing that came to matter was opposition to alleged oppression and the failure to be radical enough in one's take-down of the Church. This is the intellectual equivalent of deciding to renovate your kitchen by demolishing your house and killing your family.
What both John Paul II and Benedict XVI have been trying to communicate to the Church and the world is this: the time for critical demolition is over. That project is done. It is time to retire the dynamite, return the bulldozer, fire the demolition crews, and start to rebuild on the foundation left for us by the apostles. At the very least, this means a return to the documents of Vatican Two, read and implemented through their continuity with the tradition and reason. They are not calling us back to an uncritical embrace of Baroque Thomism and manual moralism. Nor are they asking us to live in the illusions of a warmed-over 1950's nostalgia. All they are asking the Church to do is start in the present, look back to where we came from and forward to where we are going without getting lost in the bitterness and cynicism that a life of complaint and opposition engenders.
Is that so hard?