06 December 2013

Miscellany. . .

First semester of NDS classes are over! 

Finals next week. . .for the seminarians. For me, a week of preaching tutorials and formation advisee meetings.

I was greatly relieved yesterday to discover that I do not have to trudge down to the Criminal Courthouse on Friday the 13th to serve on a jury. Turns out, all I needed to do was register on-line and wait on a summons to arrive at some future date.  

A particularly persuasive transitional deacon at NDS snookered me into serving as a chaperone for a busload of teenaged pilgrims to the March for Life in DC in Jan 2014. I'm thinking that should be worth several thousands of years off my purgatory debt, right?

Going downtown to the Roosevelt Hotel today for a silent auction/Christmas fundraising lunch for NDS. We'll celebrate Mass at the historic Immaculate Conception Church on Barrone. 

Headed to MS to celebrate Christmas with the Squirrels on the 19th. Oh, and I'll spend some time with the Parentals and the Extended Familials and well.  Since the advanced seminar didn't make for the Spring, I can spend all that reading time on historical novels and spiritual reading. . .instead of dreary books about nihilism.

Happy Advent everyone!
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1 comment:

  1. Cathy D1:22 PM

    On the contrary, I think you might enjoy that chaperoning stint! I did this for my daughter's high school. It was a great time. There were the annoying parts like high schoolers who think a hoodie sweatshirt is sufficient outerwear for 20 degrees. Or trying to keep the group together entering and exiting Metro trains. But then there was the sheer joy of marching with them and participating in mass with them. Our high school group got to lay a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier in Arlington. The absolute best was after I was done counting my heads (that is the kids in my little group.) when we got on a train. I noticed the faces around us as the usual DC commuters adjusted to cram us into the car. I said to one business man with a smile on my face, "Aren't you glad we're all in town?" I felt bad because we were crowding everyone on their weekday commute. In all seriousness he said to me, "I am glad you are in town. It's important." That comment made the trip for me.
