31 August 2011

New Angelicum video

A new promotional video about the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas in Rome.

Please link to the video here or on Youtube. . .get the word out!

The narrator is Fr. Dominic Holtz, OP a Central Province USA friar.

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  1. Father Phil:

    How beautiful is the quest for the Truth...How great is the gift to do so through the eyes of the Angelic Doctor and his Dominican family.

    I accept your invitation and will be sharing this inspiring glimpse into Truth and the Domincian charism with as many as I can. Thanks for passing this on!

    Michael Seagriff

  2. Great video, thank you for sharing. I came across your site by accident. I'm an Angelicum graduate and priest in the Diocese of Savannah. I will link the video to my blog.
    May God bless you.
