01 January 2010

Happy 2010!

Felice Anno Nuovo!

Thank you all for your support:  the hits, the comments, the emails, the books!

Happy 2010. . .!


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Happy New Year to you and all people of good will.

    I remember 1953 as a child going to Idlewild Airport to meet my uncle coming home from the Korean War.

    This week, please God, my wife and I will greet our son on his return from a year's deployment in Afghanistan.

    We saw him off on a dark, snowy night a year ago. He turned, smiled and told his Mother, "I'll be back."

    As we drove from his company area in his car, another troop saw us. Thinking we were our soldier, the young hero (also deploying) opened his window and called out, "Victory!"

    "Greet them ever with grateful hearts."

  2. Buon Anno 2010, amico!!

  3. Felice Anno Nuovo to you, too, Fr. Philip! And thanks for spreading the Good News!

  4. Marc Porter2:39 PM

    Happy New Year, Father.
